A Great Day at the Twisted Ewe

So many of you have asked about our day at the Twisted Ewe, but with all of the hay moving, shearing, and sick sheep, I have been remiss in putting up this post. Well lets get started…

Shady trees, treats, and attention galore was the order of the day at the Twisted Ewe. The Twisted ewe invited RescEwe to come out for their anniversary and grand reopening celebration. They had a great location set aside for our information table and sheep. The hospitality of the folks at the Twisted Ewe was beyond compare. Even with us our forgetting our folding table, they were able to find one that we could borrow for the day. They tried to meet our needs long before there was even a need. Even with our protestations that we were fine, they still set us up with this and that, ‘just in case’. It was really a good example of what a culture of service can be.

The day was pleasant sunny and a bit cooler than it has been lately, the shade trees made it even better. Lots of kids of all ages were able to feed the willow sprigs, and brussels sprouts we brought to the sheep. A few were able to get a some pets and scratches in too. Good lessons on sheep behavior were doled out like “think and act like a sheep, not a wolf”, and “no pats on the head, that tells them that you want to fight”. We also got to share a bit on basic sheep care and management;  what they eat, and what their wool is like.  We brought a bit of washed wool from Tolkien and they got to see him and experience his wool as well.

The reception we got from the vendors at the event was great too. They all seemed to be having as good of a time as we were. The reaction we got from one vendor when we arrived was priceless, ‘FUR BABIES!!’. Or something to that effect. Being our first journey into the public, we were both surprised and pleased with that kind of exuberant reaction. It was great to meet more of the local fiber artists, in such a pleasant and welcoming environment.

One question came up in the afternoon a couple of times. “Why do sheep need rescuing?” Unfortunately, some of the public has a negative, but well founded suspicion of organizations that proport to be helping animals. With all of the sensational press that some groups have garnered through illegal actions, and other groups that raise funds and never end up doing anything to help a single animal; who can blame them. It gave us an opportunity to tell some of the more incredulous public, why we exist, and show them what makes us different from the most infamous farm animal rescues, or sanctuaries. I don’t know if we made any converts, but at least they walked away with an understanding of what we stand for, and that they could agree with most of our goals and methods. Most people who raise animals are good, and want all animals to be treated with compassion and care. That is our common ground. At RescEwe, remembering that is part of how we maintain a good relationship with pet owners, and producers alike.


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